The Shabbat Morning Program, directed by Rabbi Meir and led by experienced and energetic group leaders, provides an informative and exciting program for children ages 3 - 13 at the Chabad Center of North Woodmere. At these programs children have an opportunity to establish friendships with peers who may not attend the same schools.  Rabbi Meir can be contact via email:  [email protected]


For the boys grades 3 and up better known as“Awesome Shabbat” members who have received more than 50 tickets in 8 weeks will join us on a special trip. All members that have amassed more than 62 tickets will enter a raffle to win $30. The member that obtains the most tickets will win $30 (in case of a tie the prize will be divided or other arrangements) In addition each week there will be a “Davener of the week award” presented to the best davener. The winner will inform  Rabbi Wolowik and receive a certificate in addition to three extra tickets.


Boys who daven near their father can still take part in the raffle and other opportunities. If a boy has davened properly near his father, his father can request a “note of acknowledgement” from Rabbi Wolowik stating that he is proud of the way his son davened and is deserving of the five tickets like any other Awesome Shabbat Member.


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Shabbat Group member's name
E-mail Address
Question of the week: 
How many parshas are there in the Torah?

Make sure to see the photos of the first Awesome
Shabbat Trip:  Click here!